A very warm & Loving welcome to my home page.
I am Paula J Roscoe, Grief Guru, International Best-Selling & Award-winning Author & Spiritual Coach & Medium.
Are you Ready to Come Back to Life through deepest healing, Angels & writing or immersing yourself in my award winning historical supernatural novels?
Click the link you need.
** Podcasts/Interviews/Appearances
Find out much more about me here
Click here to send a message on my contact page.
I look forward to hearing from you and if I am what you’re looking for, working with you in the future.
Embrace life because you ARE worth it.
With So much Love, Paula

Author of the Year
Thank you so much Linda. x
I have become an avid reader of PJ Roscoe novels! Recently I have been reading Echoes. I loved the book it had me captivated all the way through! Loved it! Now on to the next, I think maybe Where rivers meet. House work can wait!
http://www.pjroscoe.co.uk/?page_id=1457 On the page that says newsletter x
Paula, thank you so much – you should have received the welcome newsletter and January’s full moon newsletter – let me know if not. Apologies for late reply – busy month xx
I entered my info… am I now on our newsletter list? LOVE your books & waiting for the next to be published!
Where do I sign up for your newsletter?
Changed a bit of the website, so if you haven’t looked around for a while, you might find something interesting. Still getting lots of people registering, but no more comments. Writing is a lonely place – chat to me!
Hi and thanks Karen, approved and working o.k?! x
I just entered Ian as a user on the site, I think it should work now, call me later xx
Hi Paula,
Just finished reading Echoes. I was very impressed and will be offering it around to my fellow creative writing group members to read here in Aus. Loved the theme and the way it wove seamlessly together. James’ character dripped evil intent. while Andrew is likeable even though his behaviour at times was not and Bronwyns’ incredible strength shines through even at her most weakest moments. A great reading experience. Thank you.
It seems that it is working so long as I approve it, so everyone, please feel free to leave a comment about this site. Author guest blog will be coming soon x
Wonderful day at Shrewsbury Library on Saturday 20th October – met some lovely people. A huge thank you to Sheena at the library for allowing me the honour of being in such a beautiful setting. x