On this page I offer you monthly Angel Healing Cards.
The Angels & your spirit guides are always guarding, guiding & protecting you. They want you to be happy, a smile, travels far. 🙂
For a face to face (Online) Angel Card Reading £80
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2025 Angel’s Loving Message to You
“2025 in numerology is 9, a significant number and the number of completion and growth as you move into a new phase of your life. Change is inevitable and how you deal with this will dictate your future. Abundance of wealth, health and joy is at your fingertips but you need to change your vibration and release what no longer serves.
Change is coming. Awakening all over the world is happening and the transformation will be difficult to navigate and it is up to you to see the positive or stay in the negative. You have completed one phase of your life, now it is time to move onwards and upwards to higher and better outcomes.
Energies are evolving as many awaken to the lost realities of life, history and present day mind. It can be quite a shock for many as truths long hidden become unveiled, so kindness and compassion is key to bringing these souls into alignment with the energies that already woke up long ago. Judgement has no place in this new world, neither does ego, pride and hatred and those lower energies will disappear and become irrelevant to future happiness and joy.
“The female energies came into power a few years ago to bring back balance and healing to this world of greed and suffering; hence the reasons you see the backlash of lower masculine energies attempting to regain a power they can no longer possess. They cannot touch it, yet they will continue to try. It is for women to remember their strengths and not focus on what men have claimed are weaknesses and used them against you. Stand strong. Stand firm and together. Let the self worth and self love rise up and enfold you. Male energy will continue to try to take away your power, but they cannot hold the light that is yours.“
“We are helping and supporting you all in this transition, you are not alone.”
Angels will never tell you your future. They guide and support you as they remember what it is you wanted to learn in this lifetime. They do not judge, or belittle you for the decisions You make. You are growing, like a tree. It flourishes and it remains still and rests, as will you in your lifetime, as you learn and move forward on your path.
Look at each card and choose the one that calls to you. Take your time. Breathe deeply and listen. If more than one speaks to you, then trust that instinct. Today the Angels told me to place specific crystals under each card. There will be a reason. Learn about that crystal and trust it is for you.
Is it Left, Middle or Right that you are drawn to?
Listen to your instincts. If more than one, trust that is ok?
Sometimes when we SEE the cards, we might feel disappointed that we didn’t choose a particular card – and that is normal. However, that message wouldn’t be right for you at this moment, so trust what you chose is what you need to hear right now, this moment and work with that.
Remember, listen to your first instinct – Don’t second guess yourself.
Are you drawn to Left, Middle or Right?
Self Reflection
It is the easer option to look outward for answers, validation, judgement, but the reality is it has to start with you, looking inward at what is REALLY going on for you, because that is what you are really seeing – a reflection of what is happening within you.
Feeling angry at the world and everything going on is actually angry at yourself and everything that is going on. It begins with you – heal your own wounds and you will begin to see the world differently. Change what is in your power and that projects outward. Healing the world begins with healing you, finding your own peace within and you will feel that radiate out.
As the world changes and transforms, you will be experiencing uncomfortable situations, truths, lies, situations and that is because you are growing, becoming more sensitive to the world you live in. You are awakening to the truth and any kind of awakening is uncomfortable as you transition from what you were to who you’ll be, what you thought, to what is truth, what you felt, to what is actually happening before you. Once you see, you cannot unsee and that can be uncomfortable.
Talk to us. Let us in so we can help you. Closing yourself off may feel safe, but it will only make you feel worse as you isolate yourself. Search for those already awake (the lady typing this is one such woman) and open your eyes, your heart and let your soul free. The chains you never knew that bound you to a certain way of life are ready to be broken. It is up to you now to break them forever; we got you this far.
Self Acceptance
Accepting who you can be difficult, but accept it you must. Living a lie is a hard and heavy energy to bear and if you are seeing this, then this is your wake up call, the sign you have asked for. Let go of the lie and embrace the truth of who you are.
Accepting the shadow side of yourself can be daunting, however, that does not mean that it is okay for you to embrace that. Being angry all the time is exhausting and pointless. Same as frustrated, stressed, guilty, annoyed, furious, lazy, selfish and many other heavy energies. Accepting them is knowing they exist and working towards healing them so you become light, happy and free of that burden. It doesn’t make you a ‘bad person’ for feeling those things, but how can you live in harmony with the world if they remain your be all and end all response?
With So much Love
Paula x