I will be giving a short talk on my journey as an author, with all its ups and downs and FBI most wanted! The talk is at 12.30 on Sunday in the Yellow tent. You may be surprised by some musical intro of didgeridoo & drum…at the Festival on the Edge July 21st-23rd.
Books available and a Q&A.
Over the years I’ve acquired a number of experiences and I love sharing them with others, be it through a workshop or offering an informative talk. Below is a list of workshops I offer and can be contacted via this contact form or my email paulajroscoe@gmail.com for more details.
Faerie crafts & Storytelling Workshop = 2 hours
Perfect for libraries, birthdays, special occasions, local children’s groups. Play scheme etc
Together with talented artist & illustrator, Liz Monks, we offer a workshop for young and old faeries to spend time creating faerie themed masterpieces, be it a faerie garden, a faerie cone which can be used to hold sweets, or any other treat, faerie mobiles, making your own faerie and much more, whatever your imagination can conjure.
We provide all the materials and Liz is on hand to guide you in your art adventure, while I tell faerie stories from my Adventures of Faerie folk series. We create a unique faerie story with the group and send it to each individual within a day of the workshop to show their achievement.
£250 for max 10 children

A Woman’s Voice = 1 hour
A talk I put together following the information I gained during the research of my award winning novel, Diary of Margery Blake.
There is so much research on women’s lives through the ages, but I focus on the 19th century, during the Victorian era when animals had more rights than women! It is a passionate talk on how the women’s movement began and finishing with a debate on how far women have come in a 100 years. It can be quite an eye opener and no two groups are the same.
£80 + petrol (depending on area) plus a chance to buy signed copies of the book, which is also available as an audio book and the audio drama is available through http://www.storymore.com

My Medium Life = 1 hour
I share a few of my supernatural experiences that I’ve encountered over twenty five years as a spiritual medium and investigator of the paranormal. Having worked alongside spirit guides, angels and loved ones to help lost souls move on in their journey, I have met a multitude of people in spirit. Some happy, some angry, but all have touched my heart in one way or another. I show evidence captured including EVP and Video and photographs.
I am always open to visiting a supposed ‘haunted’ location. If you wish me to help, contact me via the contact page.
£80 + petrol (depending on area)

Psychic Development = 3 Hours
A basic workshop that offers you a chance to get in touch with your psychic sixth sense – which we all have but until you make that choice to open it, the connections with other worlds, angels, spirit guides, loved ones, will not be available to you. By making the decision to have this workshop, you are ready to make that journey.
Beginning with a meditation to meet your spirit guide, you are saying to the universe, I am ready and willing, which can be quite an emotional action.
Using various techniques, I guide the group to reach out and trust their instincts and connect with their intuition. Learning to trust what you see, hear, feel, can be an amazing experience and groups who have had this workshop have said it was powerful and emotional and they feel an awakening.
At the end of this workshop you will:
Have more knowledge on the spirit world
Gain insight into what you are capable of.
Have a deeper connection to the spirit world.
Gain some understanding of your own path and what you would like to achieve.
£450 Max 10 people (minimum 5)
Grief is not a Dirty Word Workshop
A full day’s workshop on grief, bereavement, what to expect and how to work through grief and more. A practical, informative, interactive day looking at grief and how society dictates, how grief affects everyone differently and some models that help you to understand the process you might encounter on your grief journey. Finishing with a group therapy session (Optional to attend) I offer this workshop as many clients are not heard, or understood, or even acknowledged in their grief. I offer you a day of information and non-judgement, to share your grief journey and be heard.
The afternoon is a little more practical with some relaxing exercises to help with stress, anxiety and grief along with creating a memory envelope (Or something similar) I provide all the handouts and am available for counselling if the workshop brings up any bereavement issues for you.
Full day – £80pp max 10 (minimum 6)
Counselling sessions (appointments only) £50 (usual price £65) per hour
At the end of this workshop you will have a :
Deeper understanding of the process of grief and bereavement.
A deeper acceptance of how grief affects people in different ways.
A knowledge of what to expect emotionally, mentally and physically when grieving
Acceptance of your own grieving process.

My life in Books – A short talk on an Author’s life = 1 Hour
My journey began with purpose in the writing world over twenty years ago, following the death of our son, Jac. I did not believe that I would survive his passing and sat for hours, staring into space or crying uncontrollably. Then, one day I began doodling, which turned into the beginnings of a story. Within hours, I had got through a day without falling apart. The award winning novel, Echoes was created that day and I’ve never looked back.
£80 + petrol depending on area