“Smiling Through Grief: When Tears are Hidden Behind a Smile”

Sadly, society is not always kind when it comes to grief and bereavement. Death makes us uncomfortable. We shy away from talking about it, that evil inevitable thing that lurks in the shadows.

Truth is we all die. We don’t always get to choose when and some deaths are so unfair, it cripples us in shock and despair for a long time, such as child deaths, accidents, foul play etc. Some deaths are more ‘acceptable’ like old age, but does that mean your grief should diminish or have an acceptable ‘timeframe’ just because the death is accepted by society?

There I’ve said the dreaded ‘D word. And it’s okay to say it.

Dead. Dying. Death. Deceased.

Someone you love has died. They have gone, and they are not coming back, in this life, if you believe in re-incarnation, as a ghost if you’re a spiritualist, they have gone back to the earth if Atheist.

Whatever you believe, (or not) in the end, it doesn’t matter. They are dead and you are dealing with it every day. You may be lucky and have an amazing family and friends around you who will continue to support, nurture and care for you for as long as you need, but sadly, so many clients I work with have told me the same stories. Do any of these resonate?

‘They were great…In the beginning, but after the funeral, they disappeared…’

‘My friend just pretended not to see me…I feel invisible…’

‘They actually crossed the road so they didn’t have to talk to me…’

They told me I have to ‘get over it’ or people will think I’m mad…’

‘My boss said I had to ‘pull myself together’; it was only a divorce, not a death’…

‘I am being judged by my family. They keep comparing me to that other widow down the road…’

‘I don’t feel I can mention my grief anymore…It’s been a few months now, so nobody ever asks me about it…’

‘I cry in secret, when the kids have gone to bed, so everybody believes I’m ‘over it’…But I’m not’.

‘I loved that house, I’ve lost everything, but nobody cares, it wasn’t a death, only a fire…’

‘When my pet died, nobody understood. ‘It was just a pet’, but to me, it was my fur baby and I can’t stop crying. I miss them so much, but I daren’t tell anyone…’

‘It’s like the funeral was their ‘end game’. Right that’s that, now back to normal…’

‘I have to put on a brave face, for the kids, for work, for my family etc…’

If any of these scenarios’s sound familiar, I hear you. Society has made grieving people a pariah in many circumstances, and though friends, family and colleagues have kind intentions, the pull of ‘life’ inevitably grabs their attention.

‘They don’t want to be sucked into the low energy of grief. They want to continue enjoying life, because if nothing else, death reminds them that time is ticking…’

The truth is it takes courage to keep grieving. It takes lots of energy. It takes a lot of time. It takes your attention from life, for a while, but if you’re not on other people’s ‘expectations of grief, time-wise’ then there is a miscommunication, your energies won’t mesh and they will either run or withdraw, as it is incredibly uncomfortable.

This is NOT your fault. It is THEIR perception, but it is YOU who is suffering because of it.

So, what can you do?

· Be Honest. If you’re still grieving after the funeral, after three months, after a year — Speak up — they are not mind readers. They will see what they want to see, and if they see a smile, they will assume all is ok.

· THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU MUST NEVER SMILE AGAIN — It can be difficult to smile, laugh, enjoy something following a death, and guilt and shame are normal feelings to have (If you do) however, it is important to be honest — (please see above)

· Work through your grief with a professional — If your grief is pulling you down consistently, then talking it through with a professional that you click with can be very helpful. A safe place to release those feelings and explore what is happening for you deep down.

· You do not have to ‘put on a brave face for anyone.’ Especially children. Your children need to learn that grieving is ok. They learn by watching adults. If they see adults swallowing down their grief, pretending everything is ok; this becomes learned behaviour and continues in life. Show them how to be human and feel their emotions.

· Forgive them. Forgive yourself. They can’t help behaving the way they are, no more than you can. Be honest, when someone you know was grieving, how long did you stick around? Did you know they continued grieving? Of course not. Life continues, and people inevitably either hide their grief to ‘fit in’ or they wallow in it, hiding away from society. This is NOT a blame or shame thing to say, it just is and can be a shock upon realisation.

· Many people just don’t know what to say. They are afraid of causing upset, making you cry etc. The truth is you are already upset. You are already crying. See point number one — Be honest…And open. Tell those around you where you’re at on your journey. ‘I might start crying, but I prefer to just get on with it alone’ ‘I’m really struggling right now, can I call you if I need to offload?’ ‘I’m okay most of the time, but I have good and bad days. Can you ask me when you see me if I’m black or blue — black for bad day, blue for okay day?’ Etc

· Remember, these are your friends, family, companions, and colleagues. They have been in your life for a reason, usually because they care about you, like you, love you, and work with you. Remember these are human beings. We all make ‘mistakes’ when we don’t understand something. Be kind to yourself, and each other.

· If they don’t get it, or don’t want to be involved, thank them for their time with you and let them go. Find those who are willing to walk WITH you on this grief journey. The others will either come around again, or they were not meant to remain in your life. You have enough to deal with without worrying about others.

I hope this gave you some insight and you found something within the page that gave you an ‘aha’ moment.

Paula x

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Why is Grief Worse at Night?

Why is Grief Worse at Night. Woman in bed unable to sleep.

Why is Grief worse at Night?  Can you dare to dream?


That demon need that we crave, we desire, we want to lose our self within its darkness and oblivion…

But when we’re grieving, it can be illusive, like a kite on a string with a wind so strong we battle to control it or a locked door without the necessary key that will let us inside.

Sleep is happening for everyone else, but you can’t shut off your mind long enough to relax into that nothingness and it’s driving you crazy.

The unimaginable thoughts you always hoped would never invade your head, the ‘what if’s’ and the constant questionings that go round and round but can never be answered, the nightmare scenarios that just won’t stop as your imagination runs wild and free every time your head hits that pillow.


You can’t get out of bed for long. You drag your exhausted body around like a dead, limp rag clinging to your shoe and you cannot shake it off; you don’t have the energy to divest yourself of this shattered new you.

This you that is left behind after a death is consistently drawn into that unconsciousness, into that darkness, into that blissful oblivion where you can hide away from the hell that is your grief. The awake world doesn’t exist for you now. It has nothing you want.

But, do you dream?

Do you have nightmares?

Is it restless or restful when you lay your head and drift away?

Grief really affects your sleep.

Either scenario is difficult to navigate as grief affects your mind, body & spirit in so many ways and no one way is right or wrong, it just is and both are exhausting, terrifying, heart-breaking, numbing and a pain in your arse and it makes you want to shout and cry and hit something because death isn’t fucking fair!

They’re gone and never coming back and although somewhere in your consciousness, you know death is always lurking in life, you didn’t want to admit it could happen to you and your loved one. Surely this awful pain happens to someone else? Not you, never you.

They were going to live forever…Or you were supposed to go first…

Oh to sleep, perchance to dream...’

And yet, sleep can bring with it all those little nightmare demons that play with your head when you’re awake, and now, if you do manage to get some shut eye, they will continue to play with your head as your subconscious takes over and offers a variety of terrorizing scenario’s that bring even more deep suffering as you try to process your loss.

To sleep, is also to wake and in those seconds before fully consciousness kicks in, there, within that sacred moment it could all have been a terrible dream, a nightmare, oh thank god…It wasn’t real… But then reality hits and the pain, the agony of truth is all too honest and your heart breaks just that little bit more.

Sleep. We know we need it to survive. We know we need it to function. We know we need it to heal. It’s like a friend who can also be our enemy, a love-hate relationship, a bitter-sweet companion we must try to allow.

So can you make sleep work for you?

You can when you step away from what society expects.

When you realise that a bed doesn’t matter that much in the scheme of things or that doing the usual ‘bed-time’ routines are not absolutely necessary right now, then you can release the tension and stress that comes with society ‘rules’ and just allow rest to come.

If why is grief worse at night a question you ask yourself, I can help you.

I offered a free session on ways to help with this in my private group for women on FB, found here:


With Love

Paula x

PS Get my free healing package here

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Below are a sample of reviews of my books:

“I fell into this story in an instant and found myself thinking about the characters as I went about my day.”

“Thoroughly engaging!”

” I found this an expertly told tale. The transition from times past to times present and back again were smoothly-handled. I found the characters believable and their actions thoroughly understandable — what wouldn’t a parent do to save their child?.Recommended.”

 “P.J. Roscoe has a real knowledge of history and of her local area and ties this in very well to create a beautiful story.”

“A book worth reading and I recommend it. The author has obviously given much time to research and has a profound knowledge of her subject.”

“I really must look out PJ’s other books. A great read!”

Reviewed By Susan Sewell for Readers’ Favorite

Between Worlds by P.J. Roscoe is a spine-tingling mystery novel about a woman who time slips into sixth century England. After missing for months, Emily is discovered at a grisly murder scene. She is wearing garments from another era and holding a sword that dates back to the sixth century. When she is found, Emily is lying in a pool of blood next to a headless man’s body, sobbing uncontrollably and screaming incoherently. Due to the trauma and the paranormal circumstances, Emily has selectively lost the use of her voice and her memory. Because she is the only suspect in the murder investigation, she is placed in a psychiatric hospital. The doctor’s objective is to get Emily to speak and admit to killing the victim. However, what Emily knows and has experienced isn’t believable. Emily is already in a psych ward, so how will she ever get out if she tells the truth?

Traveling back to the era of Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table is an enthralling venture into the thrilling historical novel, Between Worlds, by P.J. Roscoe. It is a gripping story that alternates between two different centuries. The contrast between the two different worlds is fascinating and skilfully done. The author takes the reader between the past and the present with ease, melding together a story of drama and passion. The captivating imagery of the settings enhances the plot and storyline, leading to an unexpected and twisted conclusion. This book is a brilliantly written, fast-paced, action packed novel. Its engaging characters bring the brutal and violent living environment of old London to life while touching on some of the horrific and unfair forms of modern day justice. I would recommend this book for more mature readers as it contains sexual situations and violence.

Reviewed by Viga Boland for Readers’ Favorite

If you’re a modern woman reading Diary of Margery Blake by PJ Roscoe, don’t be surprised if you cringe at what you read in Margery’s diary. Even though this is fiction, it’s based on historical facts, especially on society’s attitudes towards females in the 19th century. No matter what is happening with equality and sexual harassment issues today, you might just find yourself feeling lucky to be living now instead of then. For starters, if you were of marrying age, there was little comfort in being born into the upper class if you didn’t get to choose your future husband. In Margery’s case, her parents had decided that a marriage between her and their friend’s son, the handsome Captain John Harrison, was an ideal arrangement, and both sets of parents worked to bring this union about. There was little regard for either the bride’s or the groom’s preferences in a mate: the important thing was producing offspring, preferably males, to carry on the family names.

When we meet Margery through her diary, she is most unhappy, knowing that her future means being the wife of a man not of her own choosing. Once married, Margery’s unhappiness accelerates rapidly as her body is ravaged sexually and brutally by her husband on the wedding night and for months afterward. As much as it is about lust for him, it’s more about making her pregnant, and when Margery miscarries, both families see the loss as all her fault. When she tries to tell her mother what she is enduring at the hands of her husband, her mother turns a deaf ear. After all, it’s a woman’s lot in life to fulfill her sexual duty to her husband: she is his property; he can do with her whatever he wants. Sadly, even today, some men still look at women that way.

PJ Roscoe’s method of using a diary to enlighten readers about such attitudes and how it would have affected a nice young woman stuck in a loveless marriage, not of her own choosing, is very clever. We feel Margery’s pain and loathing for her husband even more acutely than if this were told using a conventional novel style. Surprisingly, as the story moves along, it becomes a true page turner, with twists we don’t see coming, even right up to the very end. Despite occasional verb/tense issues, it’s little wonder that Diary of Margery Blake is the 2017 Winner of the Marie M Irvine Literary Excellence Award for Historical Fiction. That recognition is well-deserved. Bravo!

Reviewed by Christian Sia for Readers’ Favorite

Where Rivers Meet by P.J. Roscoe is a tale filled with magical realism and characters that are exceptional and memorable. Abigail Lloyd is returning to the Welsh village where she spent many happy childhood years with her beloved Nan, and she does so with the hope of reconnecting with the joy and happiness she once experienced as a child. But what she finds are secrets about her childhood that make her question everything she ever knew. She is about to set out on a path she never thought of and find a destiny far different from anything she ever dreamed about. Cain’s world isn’t one for weak people and he knows that the woman he’s grown up secretly loving might not fit into it. But he has these weird glimpses into another life that connects him to her. Will he take the bold step and dare to go after her?

A gorgeous treat for fans of paranormal romance, Where Rivers Meet is evocative of Welsh culture, filled with words picked from the dialect and images that allow readers to visualize the geography, the locales, and the exotic places in which the story takes place. The beauty of the descriptive prose caught my attention right off the bat, with images like these: “The sun had left its warmth on the day. A slither of golden light streamed along the line of slate roofs while the rest of the small cottages lay in semidarkness within the shadow of the mountain. The pubs were busy with people laughing and smoking both inside and out.” Abigail is a gifted artist and the portrait of her soul is so beautifully done that it feels like a reflection of the world she inhabits. P.J. Roscoe is a writer who seems to write from the heart, exploring strong emotions in the characters and helping readers connect with exciting worlds. Themes of family, romance, and the quest for meaning in a world filled with mystery are beautifully developed in this spellbinding narrative.

Reviewed by Nicky Owle for Readers’ Favorite

Bronwen Mortimer, a shy young woman from Liverpool, set out to start her new life in the small village of Derwen. Running from her past and looking for a fresh start, she rents a small cottage from the Kenward family without knowing the village has secrets of its own. The village along with the Kenward family have been cursed for over 500 years leaving heartbreak and questions throughout its dark history. Only time will tell if Derwen’s newest resident Bronwen holds the key to breaking the curse. Will life in the small village ever be normal again? It would take Bronwen to step out of her comfort zones and put the puzzle pieces together to make life normal for her as well as for the small village and its residents.

P.J. Roscoe has created an intricate tale of past and present in the page turner “Echoes”. This unique book has the perfect balance of murder, mystery, sex and revenge. The author’s twisting tale kept me guessing all the way to the end. Although “Echoes” has some adult content I found it very hard to put the book down. I loved stepping into the past of the Tudor period with King Henry the VII. I liked to follow how P.J. Roscoe combined the modern day with the past, adding a little history into it. Roscoe has made a fascinating and enjoyable read. I am already looking forward to her next book.

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Historical & Supernatural/Romance Books

The genre I write in was inevitable, having experienced supernatural phenomena from an early age. Writing award winning supernatural historical, romance thrillers was merely the next step! I knew I wanted to write, and so, here they are, my award winning novels that intertwine the supernatural, historical, romance and thriller. (I couldn’t just pick ONE genre!!!)

My books so far (2023)

As I type, (Jan 2023) we are working on a new cover for my first novel, Echoes, as it was written 25 years ago. So time for a change, and edit and it will be available asap.

Freya’s Child

A paranormal, historical thriller

What would a parent do to save their child?

Fight the dead? Defy the gods?

Helen Gunn moves to the Wirral Peninsula in England with her estranged husband, Robert and their three year old daughter, Charlotte, in an attempt to save the marriage. She soon realises that there is something much worse than a break up as she faces a parent’s worst nightmare as Charlotte begins talking to an invisible friend and dark shadows threaten the family.

Einaar only wanted to live in peace after years of fighting and bloodshed. They had been evicted out of Dublin and granted these lands by the English Queen. But when the village becomes the victim of a strange illness that kills without mercy, he must protect his family as his child is chosen as a sacrifice. Einaar had never questioned the old gods, until now.

An archaeological dig on the Wirral have unearthed a forgotten Norse village.

The gods have woken…

Buy Your paperback/kindle and Audio copy Here

Audiobook is available from a variety of outlets. Below are a few to choose from

https://books.apple.com/us/audiobook/id1470921343 https://www.audiobooks.com/audiobook/freyas-child/387393 https://www.chirpbooks.com/audiobooks/freya-s-child-by-p-j-roscoe https://www.hoopladigital.com/title/12434832 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/audiobook/freya-s-child-2 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/freyas-child-p-j-roscoe/1115086309?

A historical-Romance psychological thriller

A multi award winning novel, most recently (October 2022) shortlisted for Book to screenplay.

When a young women who has been missing for months, presumed dead, turns up lying next to a headless corpse, the police are convinced that she is a killer, but why, and who is the victim? Refusing to speak, Emily is placed in a psychiatric hospital for her own safety while the police investigate.

The only clue is the murder weapon, an ancient sword that has both police baffled and historians excited.

Doctor Marian Griffiths is determined to get ahead in her career and sees, Emily as a way of doing that, if she can get the answers. Using hypnotherapy, she begins to unravel what has happened to, Emily, but what transpires, couldn’t possibly be true…Could it?

Buy your copy Here

Buy your audiobook from a variety of online retailers. A selection is below.

https://www.audiobooks.com/audiobook/between-worlds/411217 https://www.chirpbooks.com/audiobooks/between-worlds-by-p-j-roscoe https://www.kobo.com/us/en/audiobook/between-worlds-22 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/between-worlds-pj-roscoe/1124828875 https://www.scribd.com/audiobook/434889027/Between-Worlds

An Historical/Supernatural/Time-travel Romance

Abigail Lloyd, is a talented, grief-stricken young artist, who returns to the Welsh village of Beddgelert, where she had spent many happy years with her beloved Nan. A home she had always felt loved and safe. A place she hoped she could begin her life again and find her own destiny; but on her return, she finds secrets that were long forgotten, locked away in an old suitcase. Secrets from her childhood that will push her beliefs to the limit.

Cain is in love with a woman he knows he can never possess. He has watched her grow into a beautiful young woman, but in his harsh world, she would never survive. He has never questioned the dark tunnel that allows him glimpses of another time, because it led him to her. It was their destiny to meet.

Set amongst the Welsh mountains and the ruthless reality of the 19th century copper mines where life is in the hands of the elements and injury, starvation, and death are stark reminders of the time, but can true love conquer all?

Buy your paperback/Kindle Here

Audio coming Soon

Historical Fiction

Winner of many awards since it’s publication, including the January 2021 Women’s Fiction Firebird Award

The first in the ‘Diary’ series. This is purely historical, though I believe that women from this era channelled me to write and research the horrors they faced to help women now, find their own strength and courage to be women, strong and powerful and face the constant attempts to belittle us.

Reaching womanhood is a terrifying prospect for the young, strong-minded Margery Blake when her father arranges her marriage to a man she barely knows. Realising she is nothing more than a pawn in her family’s politics, Margery has no power, no voice, and no rights to fight the inevitable; however, what transpires is worse than anything Margery could ever have imagined. Alone and vulnerable, Margery writes the details of her turbulent marriage in a secret diary. The harshness of 19th century life for women, seen through the eyes of a young bride.

The sequel, ‘Diary of Betsy Shaw’, coming soon

Get your paperback/hardback/Kindle & Audio Here

Audiobooks found in a variety of outlets, below are just a few to choose from

https://books.apple.com/us/audiobook/id1460807605 https://www.audiobooks.com/audiobook/diary-of-margery-blake/397877 https://www.chirpbooks.com/audiobooks/diary-of-margery-blake-by-p-j-roscoe https://www.hoopladigital.com/title/12400355 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/audiobook/diary-of-margery-blake https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/diary-of-margery-blake-p-j-roscoe/1124275509 https://www.scribd.com/audiobook/405008710/Diary-of-Margery-Blake https://bingebooks.com/book/diary-of-margery-blake https://libro.fm/audiobooks/9781987120134

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Coming Soon…


A paranormal fantasy. One terrible tragedy ripples outward affecting all realms, not just this one…

Diary of Betsy Shaw

Second in the ‘Diaries‘ series of women through the ages, and the truth of what life was really like for women.

Book of short stories

Second book of short stories, some with a supernatural theme, others historical

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Angel’s Loving Healing for You

The Angels & your spirit guides are always guarding, guiding & protecting you. They want you to be happy, a smile, travels far. 🙂


For a face to face (Online) Angel Card Reading £100

Contact me to book your session & Payment via:

Paypal: derwenna45@gmail.com

Angel card Readings can be recorded for you as MP3 and sent to your email if preferred. Contact and pay through PayPal via derwenna45@gmail.com to book your personal recording. Energy exchange:

Full Reading = £85

3 Card Reading = £45


2024 Angel’s Loving Message to You

2024 in numerology is 8, a significant number and the number of change, abundance, infinite wisdom, a new learning, constant and never ending love, among others, but these are what your Angels will help you focus on.

Change is coming. Awakening all over the world is happening and transitioning is becoming.

Energies are evolving as many awaken to the lost realities of life, history and present day mind. It can be quite a shock for many as truths long hidden become unveiled, so kindness and compassion is key to bringing these souls into alignment with the energies that already woke up long ago. Judgement has no place in this new world, neither does ego, pride and hatred and those lower energies will disappear and become irrelevant to future happiness and joy.

The female energies came into power a few years ago to bring back balance and healing to this world of greed and suffering; hence the reasons you see the backlash of lower energies attempting to regain a power they can no longer possess. They cannot touch it, yet they will continue to try. It is for all to remain in your own power, your own high energies with love, light, compassion and kindness and trust your own abilities to heal this world.

Angels will never tell you your future. They guide and support you as they remember what it is you wanted to learn in this lifetime. They do not judge, or belittle you for the decisions You make. You are growing, like a tree. It flourishes and it remains still and rests, as will you in your lifetime, as you learn and move forward on your path.

Look at each card and choose the one that calls to you. Take your time. Breathe deeply and listen. If more than one speaks to you, then trust that instinct. Today the Angels told me to place specific crystals under each card. There will be a reason. Learn about that crystal and trust it is for you.

Angel Cards for you

Is it Left, Middle or Right that you are drawn to?

Listen to your instincts. If more than one, trust that is ok?


Your Angel Cards


Sometimes when we SEE the cards, we might feel disappointed that we didn’t choose a particular card – and that is normal. However, that message wouldn’t be right for you at this moment, so trust what you chose is what you need to hear right now, this moment and work with that.



Learn Something New

It is time for you to begin that new project, take that new path that you have been putting off, procrastinating about and generally allowing fear to dictate your life. Please take this as your sign to get on with it and just jump in. Taking risks can be terrifying, but if you do nothing, then nothing changes and you remain here, where you are, stuck, unhappy and empty because you know you’re not quite fulfilling all your potential and in life, there is so much more.

Learning, is growing and within you lies the amazing ability to become everything you ever dreamed, but it has to begin somewhere – small steps and no skipping! You can’t always become everything if you jump over certain steps, vital steps that will help and support you on your journey. Learn – gain experience – become.

With so much love x





It is time for you to listen to that inner voice that has been niggling within you but you’ve not listened and then wondered why nothing has changed! It is vital now to listen and know that when you speak your truth, you are being listened to by your Angels. Tell them everything, don’t hold back, they can take it and trust that you want and need is being taken care of. It may not happen exactly as you wish, but the more specific you can be, the easier it can become. Although, sometimes we have to offload and trust the Angels and the Universe to bring us what we need in perfect timing and in the right way that will raise us beyond anything we had hoped for.

You see, the Angels know that you have limitations! The universe does not, so go nuts! Think big. Be big and go for it. Open up and speak your truth as you would to your bestest friend and know you are being heard. When you let go, you are no longer holding on and this allows your energies to soar and be healed.

With so much Love x




Light and Love

You are Loved, and you are loving. This is your positive affirmation to speak every day to realise your worth. You have so much light within you, but you keep yourself small and you limit your potential by listening to other voices. Once you realise your self worth and begin self love, you will be blown away by the changes that will happen in your world.

If you have been considering some kind of healing work, begin to take those steps to achieving this now. Someone close can help guide you, but this is a path that is personal, do not allow others to sway you or direct you too much. Listen to your instincts and trust you know the answers already, you just need a little encouragement.

With so much Love x


Paula Grief Guru


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Books I have Narrated

Below is a list of books I have narrated including most of my own books and are available on-line. I will add to this as I complete more wonderful works. I am enjoying the journey of discovery and hope that my voice can do the books justice. 🙂

I have offered only a few links to my own books so the page is not full of links!. ALL of my books are available at all audio retailers

Lady Windermere’s Fan


Emma Audio


Sense & Sensibility Audio


Available from ALL audiobook sites




Available from ALL audiobook retailers




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Talks & Workshops

I will be giving a short talk on my journey as an author, with all its ups and downs and FBI most wanted! The talk is at 12.30 on Sunday in the Yellow tent. You may be surprised by some musical intro of didgeridoo & drum…at the Festival on the Edge July 21st-23rd.

Books available and a Q&A.



Over the years I’ve acquired a number of experiences and I love sharing them with others, be it through a workshop or offering an informative talk. Below is a list of workshops I offer and can be contacted via this contact form or my email paulajroscoe@gmail.com for more details.

Faerie crafts & Storytelling Workshop = 2 hours

Perfect for libraries, birthdays, special occasions, local children’s groups. Play scheme etc

Together with talented artist & illustrator, Liz Monks, we offer a workshop for young and old faeries to spend time creating faerie themed masterpieces, be it a faerie garden, a faerie cone which can be used to hold sweets, or any other treat, faerie mobiles, making your own faerie and much more, whatever your imagination can conjure.

We provide all the materials and Liz is on hand to guide you in your art adventure, while I tell faerie stories from my Adventures of Faerie folk series. We create a unique faerie story with the group and send it to each individual within a day of the workshop to show their achievement.

£250 for max 10 children

Faerie cones

A Woman’s Voice = 1 hour

A talk I put together following the information I gained during the research of my award winning novel, Diary of Margery Blake.

There is so much research on women’s lives through the ages, but I focus on the 19th century, during the Victorian era when animals had more rights than women! It is a passionate talk on how the women’s movement began and finishing with a debate on how far women have come in a 100 years. It can be quite an eye opener and no two groups are the same.

£80 + petrol (depending on area) plus a chance to buy signed copies of the book, which is also available as an audio book and the audio drama is available through http://www.storymore.com


My Medium Life = 1 hour

I share a few of my supernatural experiences that I’ve encountered over twenty five years as a spiritual medium and investigator of the paranormal. Having worked alongside spirit guides, angels and loved ones to help lost souls move on in their journey, I have met a multitude of people in spirit. Some happy, some angry, but all have touched my heart in one way or another. I show evidence captured including EVP and Video and photographs.

I am always open to visiting a supposed ‘haunted’ location. If you wish me to help, contact me via the contact page.

£80 + petrol (depending on area)

Psychic Development = 3 Hours

A basic workshop that offers you a chance to get in touch with your psychic sixth sense – which we all have but until you make that choice to open it, the connections with other worlds, angels, spirit guides, loved ones, will not be available to you. By making the decision to have this workshop, you are ready to make that journey.

Beginning with a meditation to meet your spirit guide, you are saying to the universe, I am ready and willing, which can be quite an emotional action.

Using various techniques, I guide the group to reach out and trust their instincts and connect with their intuition. Learning to trust what you see, hear, feel, can be an amazing experience and groups who have had this workshop have said it was powerful and emotional and they feel an awakening.

At the end of this workshop you will:

Have more knowledge on the spirit world

Gain insight into what you are capable of.

Have a deeper connection to the spirit world.

Gain some understanding of your own path and what you would like to achieve.

£450 Max 10 people (minimum 5)



Grief is not a Dirty Word Workshop

A full day’s workshop on grief, bereavement, what to expect and how to work through grief and more. A practical, informative, interactive day looking at grief and how society dictates, how grief affects everyone differently and some models that help you to understand the process you might encounter on your grief journey. Finishing with a group therapy session (Optional to attend) I offer this workshop as many clients are not heard, or understood, or even acknowledged in their grief. I offer you a day of information and non-judgement, to share your grief journey and be heard.


The afternoon is a little more practical with some relaxing exercises to help with stress, anxiety and grief along with creating a memory envelope (Or something similar) I provide all the handouts and am available for counselling if the workshop brings up any bereavement issues for you.

Full day – £80pp max 10 (minimum 6)

Counselling sessions (appointments only) £50 (usual price £65) per hour

At the end of this workshop you will have a :

Deeper understanding of the process of grief and bereavement.

A deeper acceptance of how grief affects people in different ways.

A knowledge of what to expect emotionally, mentally and physically when grieving

Acceptance of your own grieving process.

The sun will always rise & life will continue



My life in Books – A short talk on an Author’s life = 1 Hour

My journey began with purpose in the writing world over twenty years ago, following the death of our son, Jac. I did not believe that I would survive his passing and sat for hours, staring into space or crying uncontrollably. Then, one day I began doodling, which turned into the beginnings of a story. Within hours, I had got through a day without falling apart. The award winning novel, Echoes was created that day and I’ve never looked back.

£80 + petrol depending on area

My Novels
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Contact Me for Workshop/Talks & Book a FREE call

Always a pleasure to hear from you

Contact me via the contact form

I am available to chat about your grief journey and how I can help you work through it here on this link

I am available for Angel Card Readings either online or sent to your email in MP3 form.


I offer a variety of talks and workshops on:


What is grief? What to expect when grieving and how to help yourself whilst working your way through the grief. I offer an hour’s talk or a full day’s workshop that includes information, a meditation and a practical session creating loving memory jars or creating light up your unspoken words of love to heal and release


I offer a variety of informative and therapeutic workshops on healing the mind, body and spirit using a variety of modalities such as music, voice and movement. Writing therapy to tap into your true self and Angel Healing to access the powerful, loving energy.

I offer talks about my author life and offer creative, fun faerie workshops for children with artist Liz Monks

If you wish to join my newsletter on a variety of subjects, books, supernatural, healing sessions it would be amazing to have you with me on this journey. For joining you receive my book of supernatural short stories, THREE, for free.

Ask to join the newsletter on my contact page:  Contact Page

I can be found at:

FB – Paula Grief Guru

FB – PJRoscoeauthor

Instagram – PJRoscoeauthor

Linkedin – P.J. Roscoe

Pinterest – P.J

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A book of supernatural short stories, three character sub plots, from three of my paranormal novels.


Available from Amazon kindle ONLY £1 or $1.30

Buy it here

I wanted to offer my readers and potential readers of my books something short so that you have an idea of my style of writing. It also gives you a brief look into the world of three of my novels, looking at the story from another characters perspective, a taste if you will, without (I hope) ruining the full novel.

All feedback/comments are welcome. I read everything.

Thank you

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